This is a magnet-ready token, dice, card and template box designed to contain those items from the 2nd Edition boxset!
It comes with a plain lid. It fits in the original cardboard box that the 2nd. Ed. set came in.
Base: 275x299x30.4mm
Lid: 275x299x22.2mm
Dice/token insert: 56.5x283x21.7mm
When assembled the overall height is under 50mm.
This is a 3D printed product. No tokens, dice, cards or templates are included. Tokens, dice, cards and templates that fit in are all shown here. Token list:
1x turn counter
2x Imperial Aquila counters
2x Ork glyph counters
2x out of control counters
6x run counters
6x hidden/detected double sided counters
6x flamed counters
9x recharge/broken double sided counters
12x speed counters (4x slow speed, 4x combat speed, 4x fast speed)
12x jam/overwatch double sided counters
12x wound counters (4x 1 wound, 4x 2 wound, 4x 3 wound)
Colour choices are black or random.
This is only going to be a good fit for the 2nd. Edition set of Warhammer 40K – given how specifically it has been designed it’s unlikely to work well with other sets or editions.
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